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 Upcoming Highlights on SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio

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Jaming With Elvis
Jaming With Elvis

Number of posts : 2967
Age : 83
Location : Poland
Registration date : 2008-05-01

Upcoming Highlights on SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio Empty
PostSubject: Upcoming Highlights on SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio   Upcoming Highlights on SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio Icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2009 6:27 pm

Upcoming Highlights on SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio (Source: EPE) Elvis Live In Concert- Global World Premiere of Dixieland Delight, Part 2
Fri 7/17 8:00 pm ET -
This is the second part of the brand new release on the Follow That Dream CD label, taken from a performance recorded June 1, 1975 in Huntsville, Alabama. Many fans believe that this tour featured Elvis’ best and most consistent concert performances in the '70s. (1 hr). Rebroadcast: Sun 7/19 12:00 am ET; Sun 7/19 10:00 pm ET; Tues 7/21 6:00 am ET
Saturday Special- What Elvis Heard?
Sat 7/18 12:00 pm ET
- This special presentation is back by popular demand. You’ll enjoy as we delve back into the roots of rock and roll by hearing the songs that shaped Elvis’ sound. (1 hr)
Soundtrack Saturday Night – Kid Galahad
Sat 7/18 10:00 pm ET -
Bill Rock has 1962’s Kid Galahad, filmed on location in Idyllwild, California. The film is the remake of the 1937 original version that starred Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart. Most critics rate Elvis’ acting performance in the movie as one of his best. (2 hrs). Rebroadcast: Tues 7/21 10:00 pm ET
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